Oodles of Creations: Season 1: Episode 6


Remember how I said I’ll try to make up the episode of Oodles of Creations???? Yea. So here it is….. (YAY). Today we will  draw some fall doodles! (YAY AGAIN)

Let’s Start!!!!

P.S. Remember that post that you guys voted on with the artwork?? Well, don’t worry it’s coming…. (hopefully)!!!! 🙂

image (18)

What You Need:

Any type of paper

Drawing materials (Such as: A pencil/pen, eraser….)

Anything to color in your beautiful doodle

The Pumpkin:

image (6)

Start by drawing a circle using a pencil (You’ll be erasing it later).

Add these ovls in the circle (you can erase the circle). I don’t know how  to explain this step but I hope the pictures helped you understand.

Give the pumpkin a stem and if you want you want you can add some leaves!

And you’re done with the pumpkin!

Hot Chocolate: 

image (13)

Draw a skinny oval.

Draw a two lines coming from the edges of the skinny oval and connect them together to form a cup shape. Add the handles to the cup.image (19)

You can add some steam, and decor on the mug.


image (15)

I drew a mushroom but I sadly don’t have the steps for that. But the mushroom is basically self-explanatory.

image (18)
Here are some more doodles you can use as inspiration!

I gonna repeat what I said last week:

“This season of Oodles of Creations is coming to an end and I need a new theme idea. I have a few ideas like: Wall Art Ideas…. A winter theme is too early. So I thought maybe you guys may want to suggest what you really want to see (nothing with baking or cooking since I’m horrible at that). Just comment down below the suggested!

Thanks and have an amazing day!!

Chachel Out!

Screenshot 2017-11-10 at 4.17.22 PM


10 thoughts on “Oodles of Creations: Season 1: Episode 6

  1. How do you like my new winter theme? (is it too early?)
    Remember to comment below your suggestions!


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